![A recently renovated large home featuring style markers from Edwardian, Victorian and Queen Anne architecture. The house features a small staircase leading to the entryway in a large porch area, with a front facing bay-window and cylindric columns holding the next level of this 2 1/2 storey home. The main floor's roofline features a front-gabled roof covering the entryway and upholding a circular balcony with similar columns. There is fretwork throughout the roof skirt of this home. To the right of the balcony there is another front-gabled roof piece with a dormer for the half upper floor.](https://www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/MKNOWLES_1196-W-59th-320x213.jpg)
In Vancouver there are few ‘pure’ examples of styles. Builders and architects have drawn from many sources of inspiration, and over the years houses have often been changed to fit the needs of the people living there. Updates may have mixed styles of windows, cladding and even shape of a home. In these cases, identification can be based on the building’s main characteristics, even if not all features match exactly.