
Side-gabled Craftsman houses are usually 1 ½ storeys with a very prominent roof covering an integral porch and a sleeping porch set into the roof on the front elevation within a shed-roofed or gabled dormer or dormers. They have wide eaves, knee brackets and robust square porch posts with brackets. More elaborate examples have stone or clinker-brick foundations or porch posts. Shingle-siding is typical above the water board. The exterior chimney is often of clinker brick. The style is most common in Kitsilano.


  • Side-gabled roof
  • Wide eaves
  • 1 ½ to 2 ½ storeys
  • Front-gabled or shed roof dormers
  • Sleeping porch on second storey
  • Full-width integral porch
  • Square porch posts
  • Knee brackets


Side-gabled Craftsman houses usually have cedar shingles above the water table or otherwise wood lap siding. Their roofs are usually (asphalt) shingle with brick chimneys. Like other Craftsman homes, they have exposed knee brackets. They may have stone or clinker brick detailing on foundation or porch posts, otherwise features are predominantly wood.

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