
Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize

Robert Lemon has been a long-time supporter of the Vancouver Heritage Foundation and is a strong advocate for heritage conservation in Vancouver and across Canada. This prize has been established in his name to support the next generation of conservation professionals and enthusiasts.

The goal of the Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize is to encourage interest in conservation and facilitate heritage conservation research in Canada and abroad. It is designed to assist the next generation of heritage conservation professionals to cover costs associated with their education and research.

Applications for the 2024/2025 intake are now closed. The winner of the prize will be announced on or about July 15, 2024. Full prize details and required supporting documentation can be found in the Program Guidelines.

Program Information

$4,000 CDN

Applications for the 2024/2025 intake are now closed. The deadline to apply was June 15, 2024.

The winner of the  prize will be announced on or about July 15, 2024. The award will be made for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Students enrolled in a post-secondary program related to heritage conservation who are working on a research thesis or project related to heritage conservation. Eligible students must be enrolled in full-time studies and must have some connection to Vancouver or the Lower Mainland. 

The prize is intended to support costs related to enrollment in a relevant academic program or to support research for a specific thesis or project. The grant amount cannot exceed total eligible costs. The project cannot have commenced prior to the awarding of the prize. Eligible costs may include:

  • Tuition costs.
  • Travel costs for research trips within Canada or abroad.
  • Conferences or workshops directly related to the specific thesis or project research.

Applicants will be required to submit the following documentation:

  • Current C.V. with contact details
  • Proposal (max 3000 characters) that describes the intended use of the funds, any research projects that will be funded with the prize money, and how the funds will further the student’s knowledge of heritage conservation theory and practices.
  • Impact statement (max 3000 characters) that describes the impact of the funds, if conferred on the student.
  • A letter of recommendation
  • Proof of enrollment in a qualifying program of study

Full prize details and required supporting documentation can be found in the Program Guidelines.

Applications will be evaluated based on:

  • Alignment with the stated goal of the prize and the eligibility requirements.
  • Uniqueness of research and its alignment with modern heritage practices (e.g.-  focus on adaptive reuse, sustainability, or community driven research)
  • Financial need of applicant
  • Relevance of proposed research to Vancouver or surrounding areas

Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received the award.

The Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize Committee may decide not to award the prize in a given competition year if none of the applications meets the criteria. All committee decisions are final.

The prize recipient will be required to submit a final report within three months of completing the corresponding academic year (max 1000 words) and may be asked to make a public presentation in collaboration with Vancouver Heritage Foundation on their research topic or travel experience. The format and timing of the presentation will be arranged with the VHF Program Manager.

The prize recipient agrees to have their name, photograph, and information about their research made public for the promotion of the award.

Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize Committee

The Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize Committee is chaired by a Vancouver Heritage Foundation Director and includes Robert Lemon and up to three additional members with related professional experience.