Yosef Wosk Publication Grants support new, original publications on aspects of Vancouver’s heritage places, their conservation and related topics. The program aims to support projects in reaching completion by assisting with a variety of professional services and fees such as editing, graphic design, technical drawing, reproduction and permission fees. A variety of media can be eligible for support including printed books, digital publications and film. The grant is open to individuals and non-profits/registered charities and can be used to support a defined phase of a larger project.

Up to $10,000 total is available annually to disburse. (Please note that to date, multiple recipients have been chosen per year, and therefore the total amount each has received has been less than $10,000. Due to the limited amount available, we recommend your project consider multiple funders for completion.)

Eligible projects will have a tangible long-lasting product and aim to increase public awareness, knowledge and appreciation of heritage places or heritage conservation in Vancouver. The finished project should have a permanent format, be publicly accessible and have a plan for distribution.

Publications can relate to cultural landscapes or intangible cultural heritage as well as buildings, structures, districts and other places that have heritage value. Projects can include, but are not limited to: print and online books or chapbooks, technical guides, videos or documentary film, websites or digital apps, and audio publications. Please consider if your project offers a diversity of perspectives and connects to a variety of audiences.

The application is currently closed. The next grant intake will be in Spring 2025. 

Thank You


The Yosef Wosk Publication Fund was established at Vancouver Heritage Foundation through a generous donation from Dr. Yosef Wosk. It continues to be supported by the Yosef Wosk Family Foundation and public donations.

Program Information

Full grant details and required supporting documentation can be found in the Program Guidelines.

The application is now closed. The next application intake will be in Spring 2025

Please contact the Grant Programs Manager for more details; meghan@vancouverheritagefoundation.org

Pre-Application Planning Guide

Project Budget Template (Excel)

The Grant program aims to support projects in reaching completion so is designed to assist with the professional services and fees that will be incurred at this stage of a project. This may include but is not limited to:

  • Professional services such as editing, graphic design, photography, web. development, technical drawing, printing.
  • Fees such as photo acquisitions, use permissions.
  • Specialized equipment rental.
  • Honorariums

Ineligible aspects of funding:

  • Authors/creators using grant funds to pay themselves for the granted work.
  •  Any costs that have already been incurred or aspects already completed before 2024 announcement of successful grantees.

We recommend you watch the below webinar to hear from grant recipients and learn about past projects. If you have any questions, or would like access to the application, please contact the Grant Programs Manager at meghan@vancouverheritagefoundation.org

After the completion of the publication project please fill out all sections of the Recipient Completion Form and submit it online as the final step in completing your grant project.

2023 Grant Recipients

  • Centre A – 25th Anniversary Podcast, ‘Pigeon, Seagull & Crow’
  • Theatre Replacement Society – Vancouver Theatrics – 30 Years of Restless Innovation
  • Hadani Ditmars – Kitsilano Literary and Architectural Walking Tour
  • The Mainlander Writing Society – Our Homes Can’t Wait: A People’s History of the Struggle for 58 West Hastings, 2007-2019

2022 Grant Recipients

2021 Grant Recipients

2020 Grant Recipients

2019 Grant Recipients

Other potential sources of relevant publication or interactive media funding:

Publication Fund Granting Committee

John Belshaw – Writer, Professor and Historian

Beth Carter – Curator, Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art

Sharon Fortney – Curator of Indigenous Collections and Engagement, Museum of Vancouver

Ann-Marie Metten – Editor and Executive Director at the Historic Joy Kogawa House

Alyssa Schwann – Director at Atelier Anonymous

Monique Badun , VHF Board Liaison

Leslie Van Duzer – Professor, UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Jim Wolf – City Planner and Architectural Historian