Every donation to Vancouver Heritage Foundation is gratefully appreciated and are instrumental to the success of our programs. We accept donations year round to help support our educational programming, our Heritage in Schools program, our special programs like Places That Matter and the Heritage Site Finder, grants and more. Did you know: Our staff and operating costs are covered by other revenue streams like program fees and operating grant funding.
We’ve worked to continue direct support for heritage places with our grant programs so that conservation work, and new publications can proceed, supporting local jobs. Heritage places connect us to our city and neighbourhoods, to local history and to each other.
Gifts of $1,000 or more per annum are considered major donors. To show our appreciation, major gift donors receive complimentary tickets to events each year. Your gift will also be recognized on our website and in our Annual Report.
Each year we grow our impact through multiple avenues, including direct consultation with the City of Vancouver on heritage considerations in housing policy. On behalf of our board and staff, we thank you for your support of Vancouver Heritage Foundation. Donors like you are what allows us to continue our work, keep heritage top-of-mind, and inspire the next generation of heritage lovers.
Read about how we grew in 2024 and what your donation dollars do at VHF in our annual campaign letter.
$1,000 – $4,999
Please consider making a donation to Vancouver Heritage Foundation. We accept donations by mail or online by clicking the “Donate Now” button below.
Donations are essential for sustaining our programs and our work to provide direct support to heritage places. We need your help to continue to deliver affordable programs, build and maintain free resources, provide school programs, support publications and heritage conservation with grants, and help create a better environment for heritage projects.
A general donation goes to support all of our programs, but you can also specify a particular VHF project or program, if you would prefer. You can select the program from the drop-down menu on the online donation form. You can also make a donation by calling the office at 604-264-9642 or mailing a cheque made out to “Vancouver Heritage Foundation” to: 303 – 3102 Main Street, Vancouver BC V5T 3G7.
All donations are tax deductible according to CRA regulations. An official receipt for income tax purposes is issued for donations of $20 or more. Those who donate over $1,000 during a single calendar year are considered Major Donors. For more information on our Major Donor program, click here.
VHF’s registered charity number is 891765968.
VHF also offers a monthly giving option with authorized automatic debits. For more information on how monthly giving works, please contact the VHF Administration and Program Coordinator via email.
If you would like to discuss your gift to VHF in more detail please contact Laura Carey, Executive Director via email.
As a charitable organization, we are grateful for all donations. Your support means we can promote appreciation of Vancouver’s unique history and heritage places, and support conservation projects with education, information and grants. Donors are acknowledged on our website and in our annual reports.
THANK YOU to the 2023 Friends of VHF whose contributions ensure our ability to offer unique, award-winning programs and free resources, as well as support our special projects, including Places that Matter and our Heritage in Schools program:
Frances Affleck, Margie Anderson, Mamie Angus, Rob Ashburner, John Atkin, Mary Atkins, Monique Badun, Gillian Beattie, Karin Bernauer, Stephen Best, Brian Billingsley, Janet Boeur, Barbara Boehm, Samuel Boisvert, Anna Lee Boulton, John I Buckberrough, Margaret Buttignol, Don Calder, George Campbell, Beth Carter, Gordon Carter, Bev Cenaiko, Dr. Lloyd & Kay Chapman Charitable Foundation, Liz Chaston, Bryan Chong, Christine Chou, Iris Chow, Jeff Christianson, Colleen Church, Carol Clamp, Mary Jane Cowan, Denise Cunningham, Travis Cutler, Susan Davis, Berit Dolden, Norman Dooley, Jane Durant, Brian Dyck, Susan Easton, Andrea Elvidge, Duncan Etches, James Evans, Patricia Evans, Ruth Fast, Denise Fairey, Marta Farevaag, Charles & Lucile Flavelle, Barbara Fousek, Daphne Frost, Yoriko Vickie Fukui, Christine Giesbrecht, Sue Gill, Michael Gordon, Jonathan Graham, Jim Gray, John Gross, Poul and Judith Hansen, Kristin Hardie, June Victoria Harrison, Bob Hastings, Nancy Heckman, Patricia Henderson, Johanna Hickey, Bruce Higgs, Ross Hill, Ashley & Wendy Hilliard, Jeannette Hlavach, Sandra Ho, Stephanie Hobson, Gillian Hohmann, John & Aileen Hollifield, Kay Howard-Jones, Ian & Carol Howie, Keith Jakobsen, Wesley Jay, Rick Jelfs, Elizabeth Jones, Lynn Kagan, Adrienne Kavanagh, Sharon Kawasaki-Chan, Jill Kelly, Lynne Kennedy, Nancy Kirkpatrick, Michael Kluckner, Jamie Kossowan, Jubilee Ladhar-Der, Fiona Tinwei Lam, Leona Lam, Shona Lam, Beryl Lamb, Lynn Ledgerwood, Barbara Lockyer, Carol Logan, David Longpre, Emily Lonie, Sheila Lovelock, Orville Lim, Lim Sai Hor Kow Mock Benevolent Society, Laverne MacFadden, Kathy Mair, Stephanie Marron, Wendy Masui, Renate May, Frances McDonnell, Conor McElveen, Ann McLean, Alison McNeil, Kerry McPhedran, Sylvia Messer, Stephen Mikicich, Colleen Miller, Robert Mitchell, Jill Moberg, Andrew & Janet Morgan, Alyssa Myshok, Elizabeth Murphy, Thanh (Kate) Nguyen, Fraser Norrie, Neil Norris, Adele Oliver, Jackie Palmer, Nancy Paul, Danielle Peacock, Jean Pirie, Joseph Planta, Derek Porter, Barbara Pringle, Jane Purdie, Suelina Quan, Sally Quinn, John Quinton, Chris Ray, Jan Rea, Blair Redlin, Craig Reid, Linda Reid, Trent Rodney, John & Jacki Ross, Graham Rudd, Karen Russell, Lindsay Salt, Irene Sam, Jilian Scarth, Roelof Schootman, Jean Scribner, Karen Seaboyer, Navid Shariat, Judy Sheeshka, Jane Shen, Dianne Slimmon, Swetha Sridharan, Laurie Steen, Sharon Street, Peter Stenberg, Moya Stokes, Colette Storrow, Patricia Sullivan, Shirley Sutherland, Holly Sykes, Kaarina Talvila, Beverley Taylor, Linda Tenenbaum, Faith Thesingh, Patricia Thiel, Anona Thorne, Katarina Thorsen, John Tobin, Shauna Towriss, Shauna Towriss Law Corporation, Cynthia Toze, Karen Truscott, Margaret Uzelac, Pat Van der Flaes, Rory Wallace, Kerri Wallin, Walley Wargolet, Tim Watson, Elizabeth Watts, Andrew White, Bari Wise, Sue Womersley, Mika Yamada, Juan Yang, Timothy Yeung, Katerina Zis.