Who We Are

VHF advances the appreciation and conservation of our city’s diverse heritage places and their stories. We raise awareness of the vital contribution that heritage makes to a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable community.

We host informative events and workshops, create resources about Vancouver’s history and heritage places, and provide financial and practical support for the successful conservation of historic buildings and sites.

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Take a walk through some of Vancouver's historic neighbourhoods this summer. Available here to download and print or to use on a desktop or mobile device, each map guide provides a walkable route to follow and learn about local history and heritage places.

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Apr 10 Lunch and LearnOnline
A picture of Finns Slough

Finn Slough, originally settled by Finnish fishermen east of Steveston, has a history tied closely to the land and the fishing industry. The community’s deep connection to the marsh's natural geography shaped their lives and livelihood. Later residents embraced the ecological harmony of the site, fostering a commitment to preserving the landscape. Despite threats of eviction and climate change, the community continues to honor its heritage and maintain its ties to the land.

Join Guy Taylor, 2023/2024 winner of the Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize, and explore the history of the site, the concept of cultural heritage landscapes (CHLs), and how we may better understand the Finn Slough site through the lens of a CHL.

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Apr 10 Heritage HourIn person

Robert Lemon’s memoir “An Architect’s Address Book” (ORO Editions) chronicles the places he has lived while studying and practicing architecture, specializing in heritage preservation. This illustrated talk will focus on his learning about heritage during his studies in Ottawa, Paris, London, Rome and York (UK). To encourage such studies for a younger generation he has established the VFH Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize.

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Places That Matter sites recognize some of the people, places and events that tell the story of Vancouver’s history.

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